On the other front, Minneapolis sports took somewhat of a hit from it's mountain-top high this past week when the "200 MillionDollar" Yankees took out our UnderDog Twins in 3 quick games. Incidentally, our Cruella DeVil (Rachel York) sang the national anthem before game 3 at the Metrodome, so SHE, and not Me, or Mike Masters, or Jerry Zaks, WAS actually at the last Twins game at the Metrodome EVER. It took a while but we finally have some clarity there... although I still have the certificate that SAYS I was at the last game, soo... i mean history is in the history books, right? Anyway, even Rachel's amazing voice wasn't enough to inspire the SmallMarket Twins to victory against the Mighty Jerks (i mean... yanks.) Oh well... hopefully they'll have enough money to resign Mauer. But the Yanks will more Likely get him... wow, how UNfair is baseball???

Anyway, the town of Minneapolis is still cruisin tho because of Adrian Peterson, Brett Favre and the Vikings. Headed into week 6 they are still undefeated and fans around town are thinking about the SuPERBoWL already! They are playing Sunday down the street against Baltimore, back at... you guessed it... the METROdome. I wonder if Rachel is going to sing the National Anthem again :)
So even though the show has opened we are still making changes every day so I have to head back to the theatre to see what the new developments are. I love this job. The most wonderful thing about theatre is how much of a TEAM effort it is. Everybody has to just roll with it!... Oh and during opening there are lots of COOKIES. Thanks Kisha!!!

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